Wasaga Medical Pharmacy


At Wasaga Medical Pharmacy, we are proud to offer comprehensive medical checkups with our qualified pharmacists

Providing a convenient and accessible way for patients to monitor their health. These checkups are designed to assess various aspects of your well-being, ensuring that you are on the right track toward optimal health. Our pharmacists are trained to conduct thorough evaluations, which can include:

  • Blood pressure monitoring to identify potential cardiovascular issues
  • Blood glucose testing to screen for diabetes or monitor existing conditions
  • Cholesterol level checks to assess heart health
  • Medication reviews to ensure proper use and identify potential interactions

The benefits of scheduling a medical checkup with a pharmacist are numerous. These consultations provide:

  • Personalized health assessments tailored to your specific needs
  • Expert advice on medication management and adherence
  • Early detection of potential health issues, allowing for prompt intervention
  • A convenient option that fits into your busy lifestyle, often without the need for an appointment

By taking advantage of these checkups, you can empower yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about your health. Our pharmacists are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you receive the best care possible in a friendly and approachable environment. Contact us to learn more about our Meds Check service.